Posted by: BBackground: C
izzle and B had a convo about their New Year celebrations. Cizzle's celebration is definition classic when she has a run in with the hotel manager so she gladly allowed B to share with all the CC readers. Enjoy.
Setting: C
izzle celebrated her New Years by hitting up several hotel parties in this swank, high class hotel. During one of the parties C
izzle managed to convince a dolled up guy to give her his top hat. Now, she has a top hat on and moves to the next party.
During the next party, C
izzle wonders off by herself to the hotel restaurant serving sushi. By the time she gets back to the party, C
izzle, with her top hat on, now has a handful of sushi.
When her friends asked her where the sushi came from and if she could get them more, she said she would be just a moment.
Curious, C
izzle's friends followed her to see where this sushi came from. They were beyond speechless when they saw exactly how C
izzle managed to get the sushi.
Evidently, C
izzle walked into the upscale hotel restaurant that was serving sushi. Walked up to an old couple at a table. Think refined, dignified. Poked the old couple on the shoulder and said: "Can I have some more sushi for my friends?"
The old, refined, dignified couple had terrified looks on their faces and handed her more sushi.
After receiving her sushi, C
izzle left the restaurant and was making her way back to the hotel party to give her friends the sushi she just scored, however, she was stopped by the hotel manager.
The hotel manager stood went off on C
izzle for having complete lack of class and acting like a beggar. C
izzle stood through a lecture with sushi in her hand and her top hat on trying to look sad and innocent.
Once the lecture was over, C
izzle apologized for taking the sushi and walked away.
Later, C
izzle and her friends ate the sushi and all thought it was top notch. Too bad the old couple didn't get to eat the sushi they ordered and paid for.