Posted by: B
Setting: I'm leaving the parking garage after my late night of classes.
I pulled up to the exit and stopped at the gate to pay and leave, but on that night I thought all I had to do was press the red button, take a ticket, and drive away after the gate opened.
So I sat there, at the gate, pressing the red button and waiting for the ticket.
After pressing the button 5 times I thought there might be a problem with the gate.
So I stared at the "call for assistance" button trying to decide if I should press it. After 30 seconds had passed, I decided not to "call for assistance" and went back to pressing the red button for a ticket.
Shortly, I realized the red button said "cancel" as in cancel the payment transaction.
This realization confused me so I thought about it out loud.
"What? Why would I cancel getting my ticket and leaving?"
"Ohhhh. This is the exit. I have to pay. Hahaha"
Luckily no one was behind me!
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