A cougar beyond her prime yet not realizing it: "Hot Mess!"
Trying too hard? YES.
1. Unless, I guess, if you're a Texas housewife. Unfortunately no where else in the U.S. would understand it.2. Class, on the other hand, is something you're born with. She could have had a little chance here if she didn't raid her teenage granddaughter's closet before she left the house!!
Not pictured: the hipslung jeans Gramma was sporting, complete with tan-colored designs and rhinestones that went up the length of her legs, the gaudy Claire's accessories that adorned her arms and ears, and let's not forget Gramma's enormous rack hanging out of her shirt!
Hot mess!
Now, don't get me wrong, I love the hair bumpit as much as the next girl from New Jersey, but there comes a time when you just have to say "goodbye" to ridiculous volume1, look yourself in the mirror and come to the realization that you need to dress your age.2
1. Unless, I guess, if you're a Texas housewife. Unfortunately no where else in the U.S. would understand it.
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