In conversation, J types "That's ludicrous!"
B doesn't recognize that J spells the words "ludicrous," as in the actual word2, but rather, automatically thinks of Ludacris the rapper and starts to turn around while at the cashier looking for him; not once, not twice, but three times B turned looking for Luda in Papyrus!
Suddenly B realizes:
- J spelt it L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S not L-U-D-A-C-R-I-S and
- Even if J did see Luda, she is in a completely different section of Boston right now communicating with B via BBM, there is no way she would see him if he was near J!
1. That's Blackberry Messaging for all you that aren't addicted to the "Crackberry."
2. Defined: idiotic or unthinkable, almost to the point of being funny
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