Monday, August 10, 2009

What was I Thinking?

Setting: B is BBMing1 with her friend J while doing some card shopping in Papyrus.

In conversation, J types "That's ludicrous!"

B doesn't recognize that J spells the words "ludicrous," as in the actual word2, but rather, automatically thinks of Ludacris the rapper and starts to turn around while at the cashier looking for him; not once, not twice, but three times B turned looking for Luda in Papyrus!

Suddenly B realizes:
  1. J spelt it L-U-D-I-C-R-O-U-S not L-U-D-A-C-R-I-S and
  2. Even if J did see Luda, she is in a completely different section of Boston right now communicating with B via BBM, there is no way she would see him if he was near J!
So, B finally pays the cashier and strolls down Tremont Street laughing and shaking her head completely ignoring all the random looks because, honestly, she just looked for Luda in Papyrus-- like she is really going to be bothered by people looking at her for laughing on Tremont Street?

1. That's Blackberry Messaging for all you that aren't addicted to the "Crackberry."
2. Defined: idiotic or unthinkable, almost to the point of being funny


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