Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Usual Suspects

The Questionable Questionnaire

We have all heard the saying, "there is never a dumb question." Many of us have been told to ask as many questions as necessary, as you need to understand the topic, because "for every one person asking a question, there are likely ten others wondering the same thing."

However, in a class of one hundred plus students, one person usually takes these pieces of advice overboard and asks the most ridiculous questions on just about every topic you will cover in class.1

Now, granted, some of the questions are good topics for a classroom discussion; however, the majority of them should be asked during a scheduled office hours meeting with the professor.

So, when you experience the Questionable Questionnaire during a lecture (and P.S. the suspect will most likely be noticeable the first class you have!!) be prepared and don't say B & L didn't warn you!

1. Subjecting everyone else to tuning out the lecture and sporting glaring eye rolls his/her way.


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