Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Another Crass Post, Brought to you by L!
And this post is cordially dedicated to you, T. Consider it an advance on your CLE credits. This post shall be worth +1hr. Document and receive.

Background: In one previous post, L was discussing staying friends with your ex and the appreciated "complimentary beej" that some times (ok, probably more often than not) comes in the awkward phase where you're trying to strike the balance of being friends with your ex, carrying along their excess baggage, and moving forward.

T approached L and did not quite know what a "beej" was.

(Ok, let's pause right there for a moment and get this straight so T does not get made fun of on the playground: He had never seen the act of fellatio spelt that way. You know, phonetically. Not that he didn't know what a "beej" was...per se. Moving on. T, your credibility has been saved. Thank me later.)

Now, to come to T's and other's rescue for possible future posts, L has just so happened to stumble upon this gem: 6 Bits of Sex Slang To Make You A More Cunning Linguist.

(Yea, read that title fast and get the giggles, too. It's Ok.)

A little preview for your reading pleasure:
Definition: Pubic hair that’s been allowed to grow wild; pubic hair that has the potential to scare off potential sexual partners
Example: “If I don’t take care of this sascrotch pronto, I won’t be getting lucky tonight!”

Ok, now get going on your vocab lesson! Quiz Friday!


Unknown said...

Its a privilege and honor to grace this page. Glad to see C&C is back. Thanks for the clarification, L!


Anonymous said...

I've never seen it spelled Beej and apparently am owed several complimentary "Beej's". I need to negotiate breakups better.

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