Tuesday, October 13, 2009


How to Spot a DB

As B & L stated in an earlier post-- DBs are a definite "Hates It!"

Come on ladies, you know you deserve a nice guy who will treat you right and make you happy!

Now you're probably wondering, "How do I even spot a db?"

Well, below you'll find a checklist of some very common qualities in a db.

1. He's into recycling his girls. This guy will have no problem dating someone you know and then dating you-- whether the other girl is in your sorority, place of work, family, etc.

2. He doesn't pay. Does the economy stink right now? Yes. However, if he really wants to go on a date and is concerned with money, he will plan an inexpensive date. (We can't be high maintenance all the time!) Think picnic, apple picking, painting pumpkins together, etc. If he can get on Google, he can plan an inexpensive date! (Especially since when you type in "cheap date ideas," Google gives you over 94 MILLION hits!!)

3. He goes into a deep depression when his favorite team loses a game. B & L are not talking upset-- come on, guys get upset when their favorite team loses, especially if they have money on the game. B & L are talking about deep depression, like Jessica Simpson when she lost Daisy to a coyote.

4. He doesn't have a career or a job. You don't want to have worry about financially supporting your relationship, his butt, and yourself. (Or, you can settle and kiss those Louboutins you have been saving up for goodbye!)

5. He doesn't take the time to change his Facebook, MySpace, etc. status from "single" to "in a relationship" when you have been exclusive for months or longer. Or, he gives you the old "Gee..I just don't know how to change it," or "I never update my profile." Uh.huh. Let us go in and give you a quick tutorial, shall we?

6. He's 30 and living with his parents because he would rather spend his paycheck on kid stuff instead of growing up and taking responsibility for himself. Do you want to continue to living in the Grown Up World (but still have silly fun times) or would you rather get on a plane of frustration to Little Kid World where that guy is living? (Is that a race car bed in his room??)

7. He has a massive porn collection. Not just massive but ENORMOUS-- to the point you feel dirty just walking into his room and are afraid to touch anything because it might be "sticky."

8. He cried more than you did during My Sister's Keeper. Ummm, really? Aren't you suppose to be the emotional one?

9. He promises to pay back the money you lent him when _______. Fill in the blank with something that is most likely not going to happen, such as when he becomes a hair model-- one slight problem: he's bald!

10. He doesn't blink an eye when he decides to ditch you and, oh yeah, he never calls you to ask for a rain check or to even tell you he will be ditching you. Self-explanitory.

Warning: some good guys may have a couple of these qualities as well, so if you see one don't all of sudden turn around and declare him a db. Rather, you want to weigh it - does he have one checked off or five of them checked off? If it's just one-- depending on which one it is-- B & L think you might want to give him a chance-- might.

(And remember that while you're holding your guy up to a microscope, you also want to evaluate your own actions/habits, too!!)

General information from Cosmopolitan.com, then adopted B & L style!


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