Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Usual Suspects

The Hotties

While law school may have many similarities to the 8th grade, there are definitely more attractive men then there were in middle school, which can be both positive and negative.

On the positive side: when the lecture gets boring, or if you are single, there is scenery for you to look at!

When there is a positive there is usually a negative, and on the negative side: there is scenery for you to look at and it can become a distraction from that lecture you are paying money to listen to.

Usually, The Hotties will catch your attention the first class. There can also be a couple "surprise hotties" that you experience as class continues, trust B has definitely experienced the surprise hotties. There are also the "diamond in the rough hottie." Those are the guys that you don't really notice at first, but that one class you do you are so thankful you came that day.

So while you sit in that class trying to pay attention remember to enjoy a moment or two1 to look around and enjoy all the hotties in your class but don't let yourself become too distracted!2


1. Or in B & L cases, ten or fifteen moments!
2. They just look so cute in their suits!!


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