It's a weekday morning. B is trying to get ready for work. All she has left to do is straighten her hair and do her makeup (don't want it melting off before the day even started!). She picked up the plug, stuck it into the outlet, and attempted to turn on her straightener. To her dismay, it doesn't turn on. So she begins to fiddle. She pushes the reset button on the straightener, the reset button the outlet (several times; separately and together). None of her attempts work, so she doesn't give up and keeps fiddling, after all she's a "Miss Independent" she can totally figure this out.
10 minutes later.....
B looks at the outlet wondering what exactly she could possibly missing, looks at the straightener, looks down and realizes her straightener is NOT even plugged in! She spent all that time thinking her straightener would not turn on when it was plugged in never realizing that it was her hairdryer she plugged in.
B does her hair, makeup and goes to work.
Later that afternoon...
B comes home before she jests off to class. She looks at her hair and notices her hair needs a little touch up. She picks up the plug and puts it into the outlet and attempts to turn on the straightener. It doesn't turn on.
A few minutes later...
B looks down and says out loud: "OMG What was I thinking? I did it again!! I plugged in my hairdryer?"
Lesson: Learn from your mistakes and if you don't...laugh when you make the same one again.
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