Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What was I thinking?

Setting: L pulls into what she thinks is the Mazda dealership to get her 6 serviced.

L thinks to herself, "OK, this wasn't bad. There's parking up front, and oh, OK, I see the door I'm suppose to go through."

L gets out of her car, ::beep beep::, alarms the 6, and heads into check in for her appointment.

L: Hi, I have a 3:15 appointment.
Man behind the counter: Oh, yes, oil change and inspection?
L: Um, no..oil change, but a tire rotation, not an inspection.
Man: Ok, have a seat and I'll come over with some papers for you to sign. (He highlights, in hot pink!, L's appointment and takes her keys.)

L sits down in cozy leather seating and thinks to herself that this shouldn't be too bad. It was better than driving all the way down Rt. 9 to get to the other Mazda dealership.1 This place is air conditioned and no one's around, she can definitely read for class tomorrow!

The man behind the counter comes to L, ripping off the temporary tag he placed on her key ring.
Man: Hah, um, this is my mistake, I didn't check your keys, but this is the Saturn dealership. You need to go next door to the Mazda dealership. Come on, I'll show you.

Man escorts L to Saturn's door, the same on she walked through, and yes, within eye shot is a door, clearly labeled "Mazda Service."

L: Ugh, do I have to drive all the way down the road and turn around?2
Man: Nope, nope, just drive through that row of cars you see right there and make a quick right and you'll be right there.3
L: Ohh..right, right. (Duh! L thinks to herself, ugh, you even read the door and thought, "hm. Saturn.") Hah, the one labeled "Mazda?"

L gets back in her car, zips around the dealership and sees that Saturn Man has directed her to the Volvo dealership.

She parks her car, gets out and starts walking towards a sign that says Mazda Service with an arrow pointing around the corner. A crass woman nearly catcalls L and yelps, "you can come in through here!" Here, being the door labeled, "Volvo Service."


L enters the "Volvo Service."

Volvo Man: L?
L: Yes, oil change and tire rotation please. Sorry I'm a couple minutes late, I went to Saturn by mistake, checked in and everything!
Volvo Man: (Clearly not seeing the humor in L's mistake) Ok, lets see. (He clicks, clicks, onto the computer) Ok, you've never been here before?
L: (thinking: If I was here before, I clearly would not have gone into Saturn for my appointment.) Nope, just the one further down Rt. 9.
Volvo Man: Ok, no problem, let me walk you to the waiting area.

This, the real Mazda waiting room: Down-grade.

Major down-grade.

I thought the Mazda brand was suppose to be a little higher up the totem pole than Saturn, too?

I am directed to just a regular seating area. Cloth seats. With stacks of "Women's World" magazines and the Food Network blaring. There is no air conditioner. For the first day in what seems like a month, we actually have sunshine and it is HUMID out. (Read: L is sporting the begining of a 'fro.)

L gets up, and goes over to the elderly woman behind the counter.4

L: Um, do you happen to have an air conditioned waiting room?
Woman: Uhhh, no?? Just this.
L: Oh. (pouting) Ok... Saturn does. (L returns to her seat, defeated. And now sweating.)
Woman: You might want to move your seat out from under the window and sit next to the fake palm tree. There's some shade there.
L: (thinking to herself: If I'm sitting under a palm tree, I better have a margarita in my hand. Why don't you make yourself useful and blend me up one, ma'am. At this rate, add an extra shot over the top. Oh, and I like a sugar rim.) Hah, right. Out of the direct sunlight would be good.

So, after about an hour and fifteen minutes of sweating like a migrant worker, L's car is finally done.

Note to self: Drop off the vehicle (at the right location) next time.

1. Most of L's time is spent in the car it seems.
2. Like they, somehow inconvenienced, her.
3. He repeats this twice. Probably convinced L is a bimbo.
4. a small town. Shout out to Pearl Jam!


Charles Kaneb said...

I know exactly the dealer you're talking about.

They're a bunch of crooks.

Unfortunately, same goes for the other local Mazda dealer.

Take your car to Chandler Valu instead.

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