Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Do you ever see super skinny bitches and just think to yourself, "oh my, go eat a cheeseburger!"???

Pictured below is a very, very concerned L, just watching the little Toothpick Man playing frisbee on the Esplanade by the Charles.

Not to be cliché, but if he turned sideways, he would truly disappear!!

Workplace Do's and Don'ts

Do keep the gatekeeper happy.

While at work, you will likely be faced with one of the following situations:
  • You are undertaking a task and in order to finalize it, you need to go through people to get to someone in a more powerful position.
  • You may have an idea and you want to speak with someone about developing it.
  • You are trying to find an "in" at the company and want to know more about someone's schedule in hopes of catching a few minutes of his or her time.
In order to get through to this person in the more powerful position you need to go through the gatekeeper (think: executive assistant or secretary).

For the gatekeeper to let you through, you need to keep them happy otherwise they won't be as willing to go out their way to you.

Some tips to keeping the gatekeeper happy are:
  • Be kind and always remember your manners.
  • Do something unexpected and generous. For example if you are trying to get through to gatekeeper in the morning hours bring doughnuts or coffee - it will put the gatekeeper in a better mood.
  • Ask them about themselves and continue to build the relationship after your task has completed-- you'll never know when you need to get back to the head honcho!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Classroom Don't

Bringing up a topic when you don't know the pronunciations: "Don't!"

Sometimes a student may have difficulty pronouncing a professor's name. So, the student finds a way to either:
Learn how to say the name.
Use a nickname.
Use the Professor's first name.
Avoid using the Professor's name all together and just use "Professor."
F1 choose number 4. When F's new professor was participating in a small discussion with her, the professor brought up the topic of grade deadlines. When F went to mention a personal story which involved a professor whose name she could not pronounce as a little side note, F's new professor asked a follow up question (FYI these are always to be expected!), "who was your professor?"

F froze. She realized she was in a jam. After a very long awkward moment and the excuse "Oh, the name is on the tip of my tongue. I can picture her face," (which-- b.t.w.-- made the very long awkward moment longer!) she eventually attempted to pronounce it.

The professor understood (or at least he seemed to), but F was devastated and if you ask F, she is still devastated.

F definitely learned a "DON'T"!

1. The name has been changed (in a unique sort of way) to protect the creditability of the aspiring legalista.

The Usual Suspects

The Enthusiast

You will be able to identify "The Enthusiast" by the their high energy level and their dedication for volunteering.

"The Enthusiast" is constantly raising his/her hand to volunteer and when he/she is finally called on you are taken aback by the answer.

Not that the answer is good or bad but that the energy level makes you whisper "Woooaaa calm down there, killer."

When you experience "The Enthusiast," you just need to shake your head and be thankful that everyone in the room isn't thinking "O.M.G." about you.

Frugal is the New Black

Admiring my very own DIY pedicure, and noticing that on week two my toes still had their shine (sans top coat, because I am far too impatient to wait for my nails to dry!), I thought it was time to share the secret.

Rather than dishing out the usual $15 (and up!) on Chanel's finest, pick up a bottle Revlon next time you walk by your drugstore. It honestly won't set you back more than $6 a bottle-- so there's certainly no guilt in tossing it after the season and/or trend has passed.

Cheap in price, but not cheap in what you get. Two coats (plus base. I did have the patience for that. Don't want the stains!) will give you an even color across your nails and the high-shine. The two coats is necessary, because just one will definitely leave an un-even color across the nail bed.

On my toes now: Revlon's Vixen, which is honestly a dead ringer for Chanel's Vamp, made popular in the mid-90s. But, the deep red-burgundy is classic and will last season to season. So, the $6 investment has already paid for itself.


Monday, September 28, 2009


Whoa! Pictured here is a man, probably in his 50s, grinding on his lady friend at 4 in the the Cask n' Flagon! (a.k.a. NOT a dance club!)

The story: this guy and his older friends came to the Cask from the Sox game that just ended. It was clear that they didn't get enough to drink at the game or were upset they stop selling beer after the 7th inning. All you natives know that the Cask isn't quite the "griding on your woman" place.

So, they all show up at the cask to get their "driving" buzz going. He is wearing a tight pair of white denim jorts (jean shorts!) and a Red Sox jersey? ...and starts dancing and grinding to the music of today!

Not a good scene at all!

Classroom Do's and Don'ts

Don't disrupt the professor!

Case in point, an e-mail L's brother received from his professor, below.

Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: Classroom Disruptions

Please use the facilities before coming to class, so that we don't have so many interruptions during class. I realize that there can be "emergencies," but frequent inteeruptions [sic] become disruptive.

Also, B & L are reminded of the time this summer when Tricky Dick lost his whole train of thought when a student left the room to use the bathroom and couldn't get back in because the door to the classroom was locked (ha ha ha!) and then he subsequently went off on a five-minute tangent about being interrupted and how he was frazzled.

So, lesson: don't continue to disturb the professor once you know of his/her pet peeves. They can bump your grade down!

Lifestyle: Haute Spot - Boston!

Boston: Once the premiere center for clothing manufacturer before New York became every girl's East Coast powerhouse.

Image courtesy of

But, all is not lost: Boston Fashion Week kicked off on Friday, September 25th!

There are a lot of neat events going on during the week, but be sure to check the site and RSVP where necessary. But, be warned: for attendance a lot you're going to have to open your wallet for admission!

L's picks for the week2:

9/29 Tuesday
Macy's hosts FGI Boston & The Launch Designers
@ Macy’s Downtown Crossing
"Macy's celebrates Boston Fashion Week by hosting Fashion Group International of Boston and the five new fashion faces to watch in Boston! Enjoy refreshments, live models wearing original fashions, great music and an opportunity to meet the designers!"

9/30 Wednesday
Denise Hajjar Boston - Fall/Winter 2009 Collection of Day & Eveningwear
@ the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel
"A designer runway show promoting and supporting the efforts of Dress For Success - Boston. The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life."

Let us know if you attend, what you attend, and your thoughts on it!

(L is just reading through the site, and, le sigh. It will never be Bryant Park.1)

1. For some things, the snobbery remains.
2. And, alas, more reasons why the night program is rough. Missing out on anything remotely fun M-Th.

In the News

Pop diva Beyonce Knowles and teen clothing giant Abercrombie & Fitch are going to war over who is fiercer.

Article from the NY Daily News.

In a federal suit, the Ohio-based chain of popular mall stores sued Knowles, saying they already own the name of her upcoming scent.

The grammy-winning singer announced this week that she had teamed up with fragrance maker Coty, which launched the celebrity scent craze in 2002 when Jennifer Lopez' Glow racked up $100 million in sales in one year.

Knowles' perfume, named after her onstage alter ego, Sasha Fierce, is supposed to launch next spring. Her line of clothing, also called Sasha Fierce, just debuted in department stores.

The superstar singer described her new scent as "an alluring and sophisticated fragrance; one that's refelective of my inner power."

Abercrombie said the whole thing stinks.

Within hours of Tuesday's announcement, Abercrombie filed suit in federal court in Columbus, asking a judge to stop Knowles and accusing her of trademark infringement, unfair competition and deceptive trade practices because it already sells a men's cologne called Fierce.

The $40 cologne comes in a bottle featuring the standard Abercrombie and Fitch branding: a ripped male torso. Store employees spritz stacks of clothing with it.

The company said it has sold $190 million worth of Fierce since 2002 and Knowles' perfume plan "poses a likelihood of confusion" for consumers and could cost them sales.

Abercrombie said its attorneys sent Knowles a cease-and-desist letter but she had not backed off.

Knowles, whose 2008 album called "I am ... Sasha Fierce" went platinum, already sells a line of clothing called Dereon that includes earrings and pendants spelling out the word Fierce.

With News Wire Services

Friday, September 25, 2009

Workplace Do's and Don'ts

Don't: Drive like an asshole through the parking garage!

We've been there. We know the feeling. It's Friday, 5:00 p.m., and you have had one hell of a long week. You are so ready to be on your way home and onto the weekend! You've got the bass and volume up in your car1 and in three minutes you'll be on the expressway h.o.m.e. -- but, please(!) resist the urge to slam on the gas peddle as you whip around the garage.

What is this? Fast and the Furious 6? No, Vin Diesel.2

Driving like an ass through the garage will not bring you to your casa or favorite watering hole in any significant amount of time to make it "worth it." Calm down.

We all want to get out of there, but remember: there are other people that didn't get to sneak away from their offices and cubes three minutes early like you did and are walking through the garage to get to their cars! Please be considerate!

This also applies to the parking garage after class gets out for the evening students!

1. Blasting B.Spears, again??
2. And, uh, especially not in your 4-door Camry, sir. What would the Mrs. think?! And, Vin? Enough already. How many times are you going to make the same movie??


As recently pointed out, if you are finding yourself recently single you could face a different, slightly smaller dating pool.

So, why make mistakes to cause this decreasing dating pool to shrink even more?

It's difficult out there. And ladies, finding a good guy a.k.a "a catch" is sometimes cut-throat.

To help you lovely ladies, here are some common mistakes women make with men from
  • Betting your love life on his "potential."
  • Assuming you "get men."
  • Pretending to be something else for the man.
B & L would agree with these tips. Granted, some seem like common sense; however, it is important to recognize whether you make these mistakes to correct them so that you can date successfully.

For example, by focusing all your energy on one guy that you don't know whether or not he is ready for a serious relationship you may very likely miss out on other potentials. So, if you aren't exclusive or not getting serious, don't bet you love life away. If the guy wants to be exclusive and/or serious - he will be - but not until he is ready.

This goes into the second mistake. No matter how much we want to think we, too, can be like Samantha from Sex in the City, we won't get men. Ladies, men process things differently from us. It's time we recognize and stop thinking we know what men are thinking and stop fretting (and over-analyzing!) over something he did or said. Enjoy dating for what it is. Fun. If things come to be serious, great, otherwise keep the mind set that you're putting yourself out there to enjoy yourself.

But, most importantly, don't change yourself for any guy. You are unique, an individual. Don't change simply because you think he will like you more like that. If you are looking for something serious, you should want the man to be into you-- not someone he thinks you are.

These are just three of the 10 Most Dangerous Mistakes You Probably Make with Men. If you want to learn more just check out the link!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hot Mess or Fashion Success?

Well, it definitely looks like Leggings are in to stay for another season. (To which L is very grateful for!)

But, there's a new trend that hasn't quite made it mainstream in the Boston area, but L honestly can't wait to slide herself into them: Jeggings, or Denim Leggings.

They're just simply that: a beautiful hybrid between Leggings and skinny jeans.

Of course, like Leggings, they could go horribly wrong, highlighting all your bumps and lumps. Or, worse-- the camel toe!1 See below, where there's bumps, lumps, VPL, and a horrible little butt pocket!

But, they could have the potential to be chic if done correctly with a smartly paired tunic top. (Note: Avoid wearing anything tucked in (like above!); tunic tops are a universal "yes." Petite girls should aim for a shorter tunic top. And, yes, they can always be belted!)

L only hopes she can be as fierce as Beyoncé if she gets her hands on a pair!

Photo courtesy of

Jeggings can be found made from higher end names, like JBrand and Citizens of Humanity (check your local Nordstrom), and from more affordable retailers like New York & Company.

So, what do you think of Jeggings??

Will you strut your stuff in them?

Are you doing your lunges and eating salad as you read in anticipation??

1. Quoting Kourtney Kardashian: "If you don't have a camel toe, your vagina's ugly!" hah! Love those girls!

Thirsty Thursday


Could the combination get any better? ABSOLUT® BOSTON is the perfect ingredient for the drink named after one of Boston's most historic events!

  • 3 Parts Absolut Boston Vodka
  • 2 Parts Lemon Juice
  • 1 Part Simple Syrup1

Shake ABSOLUT® BOSTON, lemon juice, and simple syrup over ice and strain into a martini glass.
Garnish with a lemon twist.

Enjoy your private-- or maybe not so private-- Tea Party!

Find this recipe, and more featuring ABSOLUT® BOSTON at!

Don't forget to become a fan of Counsel Confidential while you're on there!

1. If you don't have any simple syrup on hand, don't worry. You can make it easily with two parts sugar and one part water. Bring the water to a boil and dissolve the sugar into the boiling water. Once dissolved, remove the pan from the heat. Allow to cool and bottom.

In the News

September 11, 2009
Record Companies Sue 'Ellen' Show Over Copyrights

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Some of the world's largest recording companies are suing ''The Ellen DeGeneres Show,'' claiming producers violated their copyrights by playing more than 1,000 songs without permission.

Many of the songs were played during the ''dance over'' segment of the show, when DeGeneres dances from the stage to the interview area, often through the audience.

According to the suit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Nashville, when representatives of the recording companies asked defendants why they hadn't obtained licenses to use the songs, defendants said they didn't ''roll that way.''

''As sophisticated consumers of music, Defendants knew full well that, regardless of the way they rolled, under the Copyright Act, and under state law for the pre-1972 recordings, they needed a license to use the sound recordings lawfully,'' the suit states.

Scott Rowe, spokesman for the show's Telepictures Productions, wrote in an e-mailed statement that the company has been working with the record labels for months to resolve the issue and remains willing to resolve it on ''amicable and reasonable terms.''

Rowe said the issue does not involve DeGeneres, who on Wednesday was named as the fourth judge on TV's ''American Idol,'' and whom Rowe calls ''a tremendous music enthusiast and advocate.''

The suit claims the daytime talk show has used copyrighted music without permission since its inception, including ''recordings by virtually every major current artist of popular music.'' It claims the show routinely used some of the most popular songs of the day, which the record labels don't license for daytime television at any price.

Other songs cited in the lawsuit include Michael Jackson's ''Thriller''; The Beach Boys' ''Good Vibrations'' and Will Smith's ''Gettin' Jiggy Wit It.''

The suit calls the segment and the music played by the show's own disc jockey ''signature elements of the show.''

Plaintiffs include Arista Music, Atlantic Recording Corp., Capitol Records, Motown Record Company, Sony Music Entertainment, Virgin Records America and Warner Bros. Records.

The suit does not specify the dollar amount it seeks in damages.

Now, when L is home during the weekdays, she definitely tunes into the Ellen Show-- appreciating the talk that doesn't center around marriage and babies, like other daytime women-hosted shows...and really wants to compete in the Sumove It, Move It competition!!!
Team Ellen!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Spotted from across Beacon Street: Ronald McDonald's Girlfriend!

Now, even though you get a 15% Student Discount at Rugby, doesn't mean you should buy what's on sale. (Some things go on sale for a reason!)

Also: Uggs? It wasn't even officially fall when this picture was snapped (yea yea, all-season boot, L disagrees. Except for maybe in Australia or CA where they can get away with that. Boston? No.)!

I hope she didn't drop that bag, because we definitely would have seen her goodies and that's no Happy Meal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Workplace Do's and Dont's

Scrolling through your Blackberry while at a meeting: "Don't!"

We know how it is: You start your new corporate job: new title, new business cards, new corporate AmEx, new Blackberry. (This is all super exciting if these perks come with your first job-- yea! You've made it!)

At first you're excited to get the Blackberry.1 Make calls, check e-mail, and surf the internet: check, check, and check!

Then, the next thing you know you're bored at your desk and you check out BrickBreaker...who knew how much fun this little game could be? Check some e-mails, return a few phone calls, beat three new levels in BrickBreaker, e-mail the boss at the last possible second before you leave with a quick status update... and it's time to head home for the day. (Yea, L knows how it is!)

But, be warned: do not be tempted to indulge in the BlackBerry during a meeting, whether it's a one-on-one with your boss or co-workers, or in a room filled with executives. (Especially the latter!) Yes, you may very well see the Vice President of Operations scrolling through hers, but she's come a long way and has earned her title (and thus, scrolling privileges).

Is the message you send to higher-ups that you're an uninterested, bored employee? What is so important to you that you can't pay attention for 20 minutes?

If you must bring the BlackBerry with you, make sure it's on silent, and resist the urge to pick it up and see what the flashing red light is about!

1. When will iPhones start being the norm? In L's opinion they are way more chic.


When you think of the "taste" of Boston, what do you think?
Maybe that Italian dinner from the North End? Followed by a Mike's pastry? (Or Modern Pastry for the Mike's rivals!) How about oysters from Union Oyster House? (No, the dirty water of the Charles does not count as a "flavor"!)

Well, ABSOLUT® Vodka has created and launched ABSOLUT® BOSTON Vodka, infused with black tea and elderflower. Cute, huh? Historically significant, yes.1 Fitting for the city, L thinks!

Boston is the third city to be featured by ABSOLUT®, after ABSOLUT® NEW ORLEANS (2007) and ABSOLUT® LOS ANGELES (2008).2

To give back to the city it celebrates, $50,000 from the profits of the sale of ABSOLUT® BOSTON will be donated to the Charles River Conservancy – a nonprofit dedicated to the renewal and stewardship of the Charles River Parklands.

Be sure to hit up your local packy to pick up your very own limited edition bottle, featuring the famous left-field wall and let us know what you think! Sipping on a cocktail made with the Boston-inspired vodka will definitely add a touch of the City to your night out, or night in.

Now, go get your alki on (responsibly). And, please take a cab.

Be sure to check back Thursday for a drink recipe featuring ABSOLUT® BOSTON!

1. Too bad the Boston Tea Party Ship isn't up!!
2. Ha! Take that New York!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Usual Suspects

The Drainer

This person does not have to be in your class, necessarily, but is someone who drains the energy right from you when ever you come in contact with them.

If you are generally in a positive, upbeat mood or you are not one to be tired while at school: beware.

Sure enough, when you least expect it, you'll run into this person and oddly enough your mood begins to shift. You become tired and start to feel run down. You leave the lecture/discussion/conversation wondering what happened-- you were in a completely different mood before you started talking to this person and all of sudden everything has turned around!

Well, take note! You have just been drained by the "Drainer." Once the "Drainer" starts talking, he/she seems to absorb all the precious energy you once had right away from you and you are pretty much done until you can pump yourself back up again!

Some key things to notice when spotting the "Drainer" are described below.
  • Often times he/she will have a slow, monotone voice;
  • A reiteration of stories that can easily be conveyed in a few sentences takes up 5-10 minutes of your time; or
  • You have already nicknamed her "Debbie Downer"; or
  • You find yourself constantly yawning through the lecture/discussion/conversation.
And, of course the after-effects leave you:
  • Feeling completely tired and/or zombie-like post-"Drainer" session;
  • Looking at your watch or for the nearest clock and wishing there was some way you could get those ten (or fifty!) minutes of your life back; or
  • Reliving those lectures/discussions/conversations when you're faced with a bought of insomnia. Instant snooze-time.

Best advice: try to stay away from the "Drainer" to the best that you can. He/she will continue to lower your energy levels and it will only sour your mood. And, you definitely do not want that as you are working hard at aspiring to be a legalista or an up-and-coming corporette.

Classroom Dos and Don'ts

Do: Remember your name tag!

Lest you will definitely be called on the first night you forget it! The professors that take the University's attendance policy seriously also take note of who brings their name tags, so don't be the obvious one without yours, or it's an open invitation to be on call for that day's lecture.

Or, in the case of L: She had her name tag, but giggled1 that so-and-so forgot his/her, which was apparently an open invitation for the Professor to call on L to present the opposing argument. (Karma worked fast that night!)

Sure enough, it was for the last class of her long week and by that time, she's just trying to stay awake enough to type her notes and pay attention through the last two hours of lecture before she can hurry home and get to bed!

Lesson: Learned.

Don't: giggle at other's when they forget their name tag.

1. And was all in her head, "uhm. Classroom "Don't," buddy. Geeze. Miss four classes and you can't take the final, of course, Prof. wants you to have your 'tag!" Yea. The Sassmaster got schooled. ha ha

Friday, September 18, 2009

What was I thinking?

Setting: B and B-izzle (sorority sister from college) arrived in the Tuscon International Airport to meet up with another sorority sister, A, and do a West Coast road trip.

A surprised both of them and actually met them at the airport! Needless to say they were super excited. After the whole hugging and surprised thrills ended, the three of them went to get the rental car.

On the way over to get the rental car B almost walked straight into a glass wall. However A saved her from that embarrassment by pulling her to the side so that she went through the sliding glass doors instead.

Huge score with the rental car - a silver Mustang - they would be doing this road trip in style!

Well, when B went to push the unlock button on the key ring, it wouldn't unlock.

B had heard horror stories about rental companies charging for damage they didn't know about simply because someone didn't mention it when he/she picked up his/her rental. So, she told A and B-izzle she would be right back she was going to report that the automatic door lock was not working so she wouldn't be charged. Both said ok.

B goes to walk into the rental car section however instead of walking through the glass sliding door she walks into the glass wall!

It was like one of those commercials with the bird flying into a window because they didn't realize it was an actual window but thought it was open.

Needless to say everyone saw B walk into the wall and if they missed it they definitely heard the loud BAM.

When she finally returns to the car she gets into the driver's seat. Turns to A and B-izzle and tells both of them she walked into the glass wall.

A's response: "I knew you would do that!!"

Now B takes her time when it comes to automatic doors to make sure she doesn't walk into another wall.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

Shooting Star

Have you ever had the experience of seeing a shooting star? Did you make a wish?

If you haven't seen a shooting star, if you forgot to make a wish when you did see one or if that wish never came true then take a sip and make a wish with this Shooting Star.

  • 1 1/2 oz Sobieski Vodka
  • 1/2 oz Massenez Creme De Peche
  • 3/4 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Lychee Juice
  • 1/4 oz Lime Juice
Mix all the ingredients above in a cocktail shaker - don't forget the ice. After mixing, strain the mixed ingredients and ice into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a starfruit for presentation - don't worry you can go sans starfruit and still make a wish.

Enjoy and don't forget that wish!

Recipe from

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Ok, we all have nights where we'd rather sit at home in our comfy pjs, hair in a messy bun, and face sans makeup, than get all dolled up to wait in line at bar, keep your very best Orbitz smile on, and get your cute shoes "accidentally" trampled on.

Well for nights like that, when you're all caught up on the DVR or just looking for something new to try, check out OMGPOP.COM, where you can play online games for free! (Yea, it can definitely bring out your inner chic geek.)

(They all have super cute names and graphics!)


Like the saying goes - "Use it or Lose it!"

Do you feel like you are losing the spice in the bedroom? Not really interested in the intimate portion of your relationship?

The answer could be as simple as - "use it or lose it."

Believe it or not, but the longer one goes without sexual relations can cause the desire to decrease and the body becomes use to the low to no demand for production of one's swimmers and/or one's vaginal fluid.

So, if you are in a long relationship and you feel like you aren't having as much fun in the bedroom as you once did, it could be as simple as your body becoming use to the decreased amounts of sexual activities.

No need to fear though-- there are some easy fixes:
  • Don't freak out!
  • Simply getting back in the groove can help kick things back into gear.
  • Vary your usual patterns.
  • Exercise actually helps increase a women's desire because she has a better body image and it increases blood circulation which awakens those dormant sexual feelings.
  • Be ready to work at it.
However, try not to schedule time for sex since that has a tendency to make sex feel like a chore which can put a damper on the "mood" which you do not want to do.

But if these suggestions don't help, you may want to try making an appointment with the appropriate doctor.

P.S. Sexual relations isn't just good for the relationship it's also a great workout and has a number of other benefits such as relieving stress, boosting immunity, boosting self-esteem, helping you sleep better, etc.

More information can be found at WebMD, Health and Sex as well as BellaOnline and Revolution Health.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Water Cooler

Warning: major awkwardness to follow.

While at her internship, L sometimes finds sanctuary in the bathroom. She does the whole: fix the hair, check out the booty, sit on the bench and text. (You know the drill!) With male bosses, this is the one place she can go and be sure she won't be interrupted.

(And with the one woman in her department who is usually out of the office by noon because "her child is sick" and "has to go pick him up," the coast is usually clear.)

Except when others decide to invade her sanctuary.

L entered the bathroom saw that there were other occupants and decided to go into the stall first before wasting time.1

L is finishing up her business and hears the following from a couple stalls over: "ohhhhh yeaaaaaa," followed by a few sniffles and the rumple of the toilet paper.


Uhm, sorry but the words "oh" and "yea" should never be followed by one another in a sentence in the (need L remind you?) public. bathroom.

Actually, you should never be speaking while you're in the stall! Do you business and get out, you sick-o.


1. Number 1.

Monday, September 14, 2009


B & L would like to give "Snaps" to a few well deserving entertainers after last night's VMAs.

Madonna started the show when she gave a heartfelt introduction to Michael Jackson's tribute. After her introduction there were clips of some of Jackson's most memorable music videos with corresponding choreography. After several videos, Janet Jackson came out and did an unbelievable performance of "Scream" where she actually imitated her brother's dance moves while the music video of "Scream" performed above showing Micheal doing the same moves. The tribute ended when Janet struck her pose and on the screen above there was a snapshot of Michael and Janet side by side in the "Scream" video.

Britney Spears won Best Pop Video for "Womanizer". Unfortunately she did not attend the VMAs but did an acceptance speech via satellite. She was in one of her costumes for The Circus surrounded by her dancers. By the end of the short speech everyone, including Britney, was dancing due to the excitement of winning a Moonman.

Lady Gaga not only won Best New Artist but performed a jaw dropping number that included a couple lines from "Poker Face" before bursting into "Paparazzi". Needless to say Lady Gaga's performance was completely original and absolutely crazy - but did you expect anything less from Gaga?

Pink performed "Sober" while suspended above the crowd and doing aerial stunts.

Beyoncé brought Taylor Swift on stage after Beyoncé won Best Video of the Year so Swift could finish giving her acceptance speech for Best Female Video after Kanye West rudely interrupted Swift's original speech when he stormed the stage, took the microphone from Swift and proceeded to rant that Beyoncé's video was better earlier in the show.

The VMAs totally stepped it up this year and put on an entertaining award show that many could enjoy.

In the News

As you know, tons of rumors have been circulating now that the Sex & the City sequel has begun filming in Manhattan. (L needs Ike to take her there - STAT!)

What we're liking:
  • A new (unofficial) website, which also debugged the Miley Cyrus rumor. Phew. (Not to be confused with the official website of the first movie...yea, go ahead turn those speakers up!)
  • All the teaser photos of the hot styles SJP and crew are sporting.
  • The "Look for Less" options already popping up here and here.
  • Mr. Big's office will be filmed at Hogan & Hartson LLP (even though Big is not a lawyer).
  • Rumor of a possible cameo by Vicrtoria Beckham.

What we're disliking:
  • Rumors of Big cheating on Carrie. Hasn't he caused enough emotional heartbreak for a lifetime?
  • Possible overuse of the ladies sporting Louboutins. Carrie doesn't always need to be faithful to Mr. Blahnik, but walking through the city in sky high Louboutins? Now that is unrealistic, when really, she could have stayed true to Manolo and picked up a pair of his Ligaro hiking heels to make it more realistic!

S&TC II is schedule for release May 28, 2010. (A nice reward after finals!)

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

We will always remember.
September 11, 2001

Classroom Do's and Don'ts

Do: Always bring extra pens or other writing utensils for lecture.

Case in point: During last night's evening class, L went through not one, but two pens. This would have easily become a "FAIL!" if she had to write with the hot pink highlighter that was in the bottom of her business Coach tote1.

1. OK, lets be honest. The Prof was all over the place on tangents tonight, so it is likely L would have just gone to the TMZ App or read Perez Hilton for the umpteenth time today while the minute hand slowly ticked by.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

Smashing Pumpkin Martini

It's September again and we all know what that means - Fall inspired drinks!

Enjoy this Smashing Pumpkin Martini while you are honoring the change of the seasons.

  • 3 Ounces Infused Spiced Pumpkin Vodka
  • 1 Ounce Amaretto
  • Toasted Pumpkin Seeds for Garnish

Combine the above ingredients in a shaker (don't forget the ice!). Stir gently. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Be aware this is one cocktail per serving so adjust accordingly.

Recipe from

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What was she thinking?

B takes the Mass Pike during her morning commute.1

On this particular morning, she stopped at the Autos Only Toll to quickly grab a ticket from the machine - or so she thought.

B got stuck behind another driver who did not understand there was a machine with a ticket sticking out from it for you to grab and be on your way - believe it or not the vehicle actually had Mass license plates! (Did we have a first-timer here??)

This driver stopped for a good 3 minutes looking at the workers fixing the Fastlane tolls, completely unaware of what to do.

B, not thinking, does not encourage this driver to figure it quickly by honking her horn, but rather sits there, wondering how exactly this is going to play out. Is this driver ever going to realize there is a ticket right next to her face?

The driver looks all around and does not see the ticket! Finally one of the workers walks in front of her car but instead of pulling the ticket out the machine and handing it to her he gets another toll attendant's attention.

The toll attendant had to leave his post collecting money for those going east. He looked at her, looked at the machine, looked at her, shook his head, pulled the ticket from the machine, handed it to the driver and left!

B could not stop laughing but then realized she spent a long time watching this and suddenly wished she had those minutes back in her life.

1. Don't worry she doesn't take it into Boston but rather a little further out to the burbs.

In the News

9th Circuit Sides With Paris Hilton in Trademark Fight Over 'That's Hot'

An appeals court has ruled that Paris Hilton can continue pursuing a lawsuit against Hallmark Cards Inc. over the use of her picture and catch phrase "That's Hot" on a greeting card.

Hilton sued the company in 2007 after it began selling without her permission birthday cards of a cartoon of a waitress serving a plate of food to a patron. A photo of Hilton's face was pasted on the cartoon's body.

Hilton alleges that the card ripped off her appearance as a waitress in an episode of her reality television show "The Simple Life."

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday upheld a lower court's ruling allowing the bulk of Hilton's lawsuit, including allegations that Hallmark infringed her trademarked catch phrase.

Hallmark has defended the card as parody, which is normally protected under fair-use law.

We'll have to stay tuned to see if our Tabloid Darling prevails over the Greeting Card tycoon!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Because Tuesday is the "new" Monday this week, enjoy a few laughs before getting back into the grind!

B & L guarantee you'll likely be able to relate to a handful of the thoughts!

Random Thoughts from People 25-35 Years Old:

I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

More often than not, when someone is telling me a story, all I can think about is that I can't wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story that's not only better, but also more directly involves me.

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

I don't understand the purpose of the line, "I don't need to drink to have fun." Great, no one does. But why start a fire with flint and sticks when they've invented the lighter?

Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you're going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you're crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.

That's enough, Nickelback.

I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the "people you may know" feature on Facebook people that I do know, but deliberately choose not to be friends with?

Do you remember when you were a kid, playing Nintendo and it wouldn't work? You take the cartridge out, blow in it and that would magically fix the problem. Every kid in America did that, but how did we all know how to fix the problem? There was no internet or message boards or FAQ's. We just figured it out. Today's kids are soft.

There is a great need for sarcasm font.

Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the f was going on when I first saw it.

I think everyone has a movie that they love so much, it actually becomes stressful to watch it with other people. I'll end up wasting 90 minutes shiftily glancing around to confirm that everyone's laughing at the right parts, then making sure I laugh just a little bit harder (and a millisecond earlier) to prove that I'm still the only one who really, really gets it.

How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to finish a text.

A recent study has shown that playing beer pong contributes to the spread of mono and the flu. Yeah, if you suck at it.

LOL has gone from meaning, "laugh out loud" to "I have nothing else to say."

I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

Answering the same letter three times or more in a row on a Scantron test is absolutely petrifying.

Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart," all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart." (This would probably be "constructive smart" in law school!)

How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?

I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars teams up to prevent a dick from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers!

Every time I have to spell a word over the phone using 'as in' examples, I will undoubtedly draw a blank and sound like a complete idiot. Today I had to spell my boss's last name to an attorney and said "Yes that's G as in...(10 second lapse)..ummm...Goonies."

What would happen if I hired two private investigators to follow each other?

While driving yesterday I saw a banana peel in the road and instinctively swerved to avoid it...thanks Mario Kart.

MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. Pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

I find it hard to believe there are actually people who get in the shower first and THEN turn on the water.

Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.

I would like to officially coin the phrase 'catching the swine flu' to be used as a way to make fun of a friend for hooking up with an overweight woman. Example: "Dave caught the swine flu last night."

I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

Bad decisions make good stories.

Whenever I'm Facebook stalking someone and I find out that their profile is public I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. 546 pictures? Don't mind if I do!

Is it just me or do high school girls get sluttier & sluttier every year?

If Carmen San Diego and Waldo ever got together, their offspring would probably just be completely invisible.

Why is it that during an ice-breaker, when the whole room has to go around and say their name and where they are from, I get so incredibly nervous? Like I know my name, I know where I'm from, this shouldn't be a problem....

You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you've made up your mind that you just aren't doing anything productive for the rest of the day.

Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after DVDs? I don't want to have to restart my collection.

There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.

I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

"Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this ever.

I hate being the one with the remote in a room full of people watching TV. There's so much pressure. 'I love this show, but will they judge me if I keep it on? I bet everyone is wishing we weren't watching this. It's only a matter of time before they all get up and leave the room. Will we still be friends after this?'

I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Dammit!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

When I meet a new girl, I'm terrified of mentioning something she hasn't already told me but that I have learned from some light internet stalking.

I like all of the music in my iTunes, except when it's on shuffle, then I like about one in every fifteen songs in my iTunes.

Why is a school zone 20 mph? That seems like the optimal cruising speed for pedophiles...

As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate cyclists.

Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

It should probably be called Unplanned Parenthood.

I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

Even if I knew your social security number, I wouldn't know what do to with it.

Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, hitting the G-spot, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but, I’d bet my ass everyone can find and push the Snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time every time...

My 4-year old son asked me in the car the other day "Dad what would happen if you ran over a ninja?" How the hell do I respond to that?

It really pisses me off when I want to read a story on and the link takes me to a video instead of text.

I wonder if cops ever get pissed off at the fact that everyone they drive behind obeys the speed limit.

I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lites than Kay.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Don't forget to take advantage of the HUGE sales going on NOW at your favorite retailers, in stores and online!

Soak up some sun and stock up on key items for your fall wardrobe. Remember classic pieces won't be dated as the season changes, so there is no need to feel guilty when you swipe the plastic or hit the ATM!

And, stay tuned for what to be on the lookout for as we fall into the cooler months, coming this month on Counsel Confidential.

B & L

Friday, September 4, 2009

Counsel Confidential on Facebook

Check out a video of BritBrit performing "Touch of My Hand" from her Boston concert this past Saturday on our Facebook site (and become a fan while you're at it!).

What were they thinking?

The B & L Edition

As you may know, B & L carpool certain days of the week when L is in the 'burbs working her internship. This story takes place on such a day.

Their adventure began when B picked L up to head into class. B drives half way down L's industrial park's parking lot, only for L to think she forgot to lock her car, so they turn around, drive all the way back up to where L parked her car so she can hit the "lock" button twice on her key ring (once for lock, once for alarm). ::BEEP BEEP:: All set.

And, they're off!

On the way into Boston, B tells L she has to stop by CVS really quick-- there's a store near the garage they park at.

They get into Boston and park. B & L walk to school, are about to open the doors to the law school, only for L to realize B didn't stop at CVS. L asks B if she still needs to go. B looks at her dumbfounded and realizes that she did, in fact, still need to go to CVS.

And so, they back track, lugging their books all the way back, past the garage, and into CVS.

They both go into CVS, B grabs what she needed and decides to do self-checkout so she wouldn't have to deal with an actual person. In and out; no time wasted is her motto. As she is ringing up her stuff, L places a good portion of her law books in the bagging area of the self-checkout. (If you've done self-checkout before you know this is a big "no-no." Apparently L had not!)

B's self-checkout machine won't continue to work and the blinking yellow light goes on for employee assistance. B has no idea what just happened and keeps pressing the button to get the machine to accept her cash as well trying to stuff cash into the dollar slot.

B & L stand there waiting, looking around, (hello! doesn't anyone else see the light flashing?!) and finally L reads B's check out screen, registering the "overload," says she had put her books down and should probably move them. B looks at the books and looks at L and says "You aren't suppose to put the books there - that's why the yellow light went off!" Duh.

L looks like she finally understood what happens and volunteers to go and get someone. When the person comes over she wants an explanation of what happened. B covers for L saying she put her law books down-- afterall it's expected B would do something like this.

Finally, B & L leave CVS only for B to realize she forgot her water in her car. She tells L and L suggests they go down to get the water. B says she'll just buy one at school. L thinks this is a silly idea, after all, they are going to walk right past the garage, on their way back to school! B agrees and follows L into the office building near the garage to take the elevator down.

Unfortunately, L does not lead B into the elevator that leads to the garage, but rather into the elevator for the office building! The doors close and before it registers that B & L are in the wrong elevator, they go up to the 6th floor, exchanging pleasantries with the two gentlemen that enter. Clearly, they give B & L funny glances. They are on to them!

("One of these things just doesn't belong" starts to play in B & L's head.)

Finally, the elevator stops, the gentlemen get out, and the elevator is (finally) en route to the lobby. It goes down to floor 4 and opens to let another person in. After this person comes in, he notices the books in L's hands and begins to ask her about going to law school and how she must be leaving work, etc. L goes along with the conversation as if she actually works in this office building and is now off to school.

When B & L are back on the bottom floor, B starts to walk one way only for L to say no no this way - we don't want the people in the elevator to know we actually go into the wrong one!

They find the correct elevator, go down to B's car, grab the water and finally go to class.

(They make it through their lectures without incident. Yea, true story, believe it or not!)

Their adventure was not complete there, though!

To top of the night, when B & L are back on the Pike, heading home, they watched a police officer pull over a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk. They turned and looked at each other and just agree that it has been one of those days.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

The Frosty Bitch

B's cousin invented this recipe and her little brother named it. It's great if you are looking for a nontraditional mixed drink.

1 Part Amaretto
1 Part Vodka
1 Part Kahlua
1 Part Milk

Put all the ingredients into a blender.
Blend it right up and enjoy.

P.S. It's a little strong at first, but you'll get used to it!

Courtroom Couture

We have all heard the saying, "A diamond is a girl's best friend."

So, if a diamond really is a girl's best friend, why do we girls wait to get a diamond from the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with or anyone else for that matter?

Of course, those are the occasions girls dream about, but don't just wait for the special someone to give you that diamond ring you are hoping for-- go out and buy yourself a little bling bling! (Remember the whole, "Right Hand Ring" marketing scheme from a few years back??)

If you see a gorgeous diamond ring, purchase it for yourself to add a lovely accent to a fierce outfit for the boardroom, courtroom, or work function.

Below are two diamond rings that would be a lovely gift to yourself after you finish that big project, got that promotion you've worked towards, or for any other accomplishment you achieved. Plus, the styles are not similar to an engagement ring, in fact, very distinct, so when the special someone pops the question it will still be a very special moment-- you won't be taking anything away from it by getting a ring like those below.

The first is the 18K Leslie Greene Band from Shreve Crump and Low.

This ring is unique yet sophisticated and retails for $3,520.00.

The second ring is simply titled 18kwg Diamond Ring at Shreve Crump and Low.

This ring would add flair to an outfit and retails for $2,785.00.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Usual Suspects

"The Sandman"

"The Sandman" is the student (male or female) who tends to doze off in class.

Many times you will catch him/her nodding off, categorized by the classic "head bob" followed by the "head drop," only this drop makes them suddenly realize that they almost fell asleep. Then, they shake their head back and forth really quick, as if in agreement with the class discussion, and try to look more alert.

Unfortunately, in another 20 minutes they do the same thing over again!

Sure, at times you may feel sleepy and count down the minutes until class is over (especially after a long day at work!) but, do not become "The Sandman."

Also, take note: If other classmates are noticing you doze off, the professor likely has too and trust B & L: you don't want that because you may likely be put on the "Call On List" as punishment!

Instead of trying to catch microseconds of sleep during lecture, try eating an apple for a natural energy boost, or, you can always go the caffeine route, because, let's face it-- there are plenty of Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks around school!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Loves It, Hates It

"The Circus" a second time around: "Loves It!"

B & L went to "The Circus" this past Saturday to see Britney Spears. As you may recall, they were at the first show in Boston, too. However (!) they definitely thought the second time around was much more fierce. The Big Apple acts were tightened up and BritBrit performed more songs off the (highly underrated) Blackout Album.1

Top Three things B & L Loved:
First: B & L had amazing seats: just a little off-center from the middle ring! They were so close they could see the sweat on BritBrit's back! (And, secretly hoped she would sweat on them!) They saw her facial expressions (tongue out, face scrunched up!, giggling) when she forgot some of the lyrics to the songs she was performing and also noticed her gum chewing throughout! And, they were downright giddy seeing her crawl onto the lowered stage-- it was almost like being backstage.2

Second: Britney interacted more with the crowd this time, giving a lot more than a "What up, Boston!!" She even brought an unsuspecting guy on stage where she nearly gave him a lap dance. Why couldn't that have been B & L, why?!

Finally: She looked fabulous! Her body was tight (Really? Did you really have two kids, Ms. Spears??), her outfits were outrageous (think: the more rhinestoned bra/pantie combos, the better!), and the dance routines H O T!

Enjoy some photos from the concert below.

B & L are still a little confused as to some of the magic tricks performed, though. Like, how did she get her middle sawed off??? They saw you go into the magician's box, saw him saw you through the middle, and saw3 the middle piece come out!! How?!

1. Seriously. You would never know what a train wreck her life was when that album came out if you just listened to it! It's amazing what going back to blonde and one conservatorship can do!
2. Next time.
3. Too many "saw"s? heh heh