Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Water Cooler

Warning: major awkwardness to follow.

While at her internship, L sometimes finds sanctuary in the bathroom. She does the whole: fix the hair, check out the booty, sit on the bench and text. (You know the drill!) With male bosses, this is the one place she can go and be sure she won't be interrupted.

(And with the one woman in her department who is usually out of the office by noon because "her child is sick" and "has to go pick him up," the coast is usually clear.)

Except when others decide to invade her sanctuary.

L entered the bathroom saw that there were other occupants and decided to go into the stall first before wasting time.1

L is finishing up her business and hears the following from a couple stalls over: "ohhhhh yeaaaaaa," followed by a few sniffles and the rumple of the toilet paper.


Uhm, sorry but the words "oh" and "yea" should never be followed by one another in a sentence in the (need L remind you?) public. bathroom.

Actually, you should never be speaking while you're in the stall! Do you business and get out, you sick-o.


1. Number 1.


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