Monday, September 28, 2009

Classroom Do's and Don'ts

Don't disrupt the professor!

Case in point, an e-mail L's brother received from his professor, below.

Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: Classroom Disruptions

Please use the facilities before coming to class, so that we don't have so many interruptions during class. I realize that there can be "emergencies," but frequent inteeruptions [sic] become disruptive.

Also, B & L are reminded of the time this summer when Tricky Dick lost his whole train of thought when a student left the room to use the bathroom and couldn't get back in because the door to the classroom was locked (ha ha ha!) and then he subsequently went off on a five-minute tangent about being interrupted and how he was frazzled.

So, lesson: don't continue to disturb the professor once you know of his/her pet peeves. They can bump your grade down!


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