So, why make mistakes to cause this decreasing dating pool to shrink even more?
It's difficult out there. And ladies, finding a good guy a.k.a "a catch" is sometimes cut-throat.
To help you lovely ladies, here are some common mistakes women make with men from
- Betting your love life on his "potential."
- Assuming you "get men."
- Pretending to be something else for the man.
For example, by focusing all your energy on one guy that you don't know whether or not he is ready for a serious relationship you may very likely miss out on other potentials. So, if you aren't exclusive or not getting serious, don't bet you love life away. If the guy wants to be exclusive and/or serious - he will be - but not until he is ready.
This goes into the second mistake. No matter how much we want to think we, too, can be like Samantha from Sex in the City, we won't get men. Ladies, men process things differently from us. It's time we recognize and stop thinking we know what men are thinking and stop fretting (and over-analyzing!) over something he did or said. Enjoy dating for what it is. Fun. If things come to be serious, great, otherwise keep the mind set that you're putting yourself out there to enjoy yourself.
But, most importantly, don't change yourself for any guy. You are unique, an individual. Don't change simply because you think he will like you more like that. If you are looking for something serious, you should want the man to be into you-- not someone he thinks you are.
These are just three of the 10 Most Dangerous Mistakes You Probably Make with Men. If you want to learn more just check out the link!
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