"The Sandman" is the student (male or female) who tends to doze off in class.
Many times you will catch him/her nodding off, categorized by the classic "head bob" followed by the "head drop," only this drop makes them suddenly realize that they almost fell asleep. Then, they shake their head back and forth really quick, as if in agreement with the class discussion, and try to look more alert.
Unfortunately, in another 20 minutes they do the same thing over again!
Sure, at times you may feel sleepy and count down the minutes until class is over (especially after a long day at work!) but, do not become "The Sandman."
Also, take note: If other classmates are noticing you doze off, the professor likely has too and trust B & L: you don't want that because you may likely be put on the "Call On List" as punishment!
Instead of trying to catch microseconds of sleep during lecture, try eating an apple for a natural energy boost, or, you can always go the caffeine route, because, let's face it-- there are plenty of Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks around school!
Instead of trying to catch microseconds of sleep during lecture, try eating an apple for a natural energy boost, or, you can always go the caffeine route, because, let's face it-- there are plenty of Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks around school!
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