Bringing up a topic when you don't know the pronunciations: "Don't!"
Sometimes a student may have difficulty pronouncing a professor's name. So, the student finds a way to either:
Learn how to say the name.
Use a nickname.
Use the Professor's first name.
Avoid using the Professor's name all together and just use "Professor."
F1 choose number 4. When F's new professor was participating in a small discussion with her, the professor brought up the topic of grade deadlines. When F went to mention a personal story which involved a professor whose name she could not pronounce as a little side note, F's new professor asked a follow up question (FYI these are always to be expected!), "who was your professor?"
F froze. She realized she was in a jam. After a very long awkward moment and the excuse "Oh, the name is on the tip of my tongue. I can picture her face," (which-- b.t.w.-- made the very long awkward moment longer!) she eventually attempted to pronounce it.
The professor understood (or at least he seemed to), but F was devastated and if you ask F, she is still devastated.
F definitely learned a "DON'T"!
1. The name has been changed (in a unique sort of way) to protect the creditability of the aspiring legalista.
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