Friday, July 10, 2009

Dating 101

One mistake we women make is going out with our friends with the hopes of finding a man.

Definite "no, no!"

If you want to find a man, you want to make yourself approachable. Unfortunately, the quality males probably won't find you approachable if you are there with a pack of your friends. The guy could be scared, after all they may be timid,1 and what timid quality guy wants to take a chance of being rejected in front of a group of women?

You may be thinking, "that's great B & L what should we do instead?" Well, you can go to the bar area during the early part of the night. Order some apps, bring a book (and not one of those books that only females will get but one that a guy might actually read or be interested in), look like you are busy. You are by yourself, so you won't be as intimidating and if you have an accessory that the guy can comment on, wear it! It's a good opening to start the conversation.

If you want to know more on common mistakes women make and some ideas to correct them check out The Six Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make.

1. Don't even mention timid guys to B, she is starting to get a little impatient with timid fellas. As we are sure many of you can relate!


Anonymous said...

Suggestions on books:

Secrets of Speed for Shifter Kart Racing by Memo Gidley
Haynes Manual for something you own.

Those will DEFINITELY draw attention

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