Monday, July 27, 2009


Recently, L stumbled across this checklist on-line: 20 Things Women Should Do Before The Age of 25.

Here is the list of the 20 things women should do before the age of 25 and getting married. So for younger women out there, this is a good list and pretty much right on. And for you guys that like dating younger women, you should always run through this checklist:

1. Live by herself for at least a year.
2. Live with someone else for at least a year.
3. Recover from a broken heart.
4. Have a vacation fling.
5. Take a road-trip with a group of girlfriends.
6. Relish sleeping in a queen-sized bed by herself.
7. Get her finances in order.
8. Learn to love her body.
9. Have sex with at least one person she’d never want to marry (or introduce to mom).
10. Find reliable birth control.
11. Pay off as much credit card debt and student loans as possible.
12. Spend way too much on a something frivolous.
13. Exorcise all past relationship demons.
14. Travel somewhere exotic.
15. Establish a strong circle of friends.
16. Forgive her parents for not being perfect.
17. Have at least one night she can’t quite remember.
18. Experience some really bad first dates.
19. Find hobbies that fulfill her.
20. Celebrate her 25th birthday!

L has 9 months to knock a lot of these off the list1. For certain numbers one and two shall not be happening. Before reading this, her "before 25" list looked a little something like this:
  • Go on another girls Vegas! or someplace equally as exciting. However, this time, we're totally staying at a Four Seasons-type resort and not roughing it without hot water and 24/7 concierge. No.Thank.You. (LP, I know you have my back on this one!!)
  • Buy self Louie bag for 25th b-day because it's a milestone.
  • Learn to speak Italian.

She has successfully "crossed off" the following from her own working list:
  • Working a real, grown up job;2
  • Quitting said grown up job after 2+ years to go to law school.
And, has added a "To Do Before the Age of 30" working list:
  • Pass the Bar!
  • Own real estate. Preferably something cute with exposed brick. Loves it.
Like L, B has a way to go with this list - although that won't stop her from trying! Realistically 1 and 2 won't be "crossed off" by the time she's 25, maybe by the time she's 30? Here's to hoping! At least she has some things checked off from her own list3:
  • Live in a foreign country. Granted it was only a few months but that still counts, rights?
  • Go on a road trip. B's been blessed and has gone on two thus far with some amazing girls!

What are your goals and aspirations? Have you completed anything major that deserves a "snaps!"? Let us know!

1. I guess some of it could be possible. I mean, women carry babies to term in the same amount of time...
2. Complete with company BlackBerry and corporate AmEx. (And, refusal to wear the Bluetooth headset.)
3. B didn't really have a list she just thought of things she experienced to say she "crossed off". Trust though, B will be putting together a list now and she already has two things "crossed off"!


Anonymous said...

I read a book called "The Next Thing On My List" that has this exact premise. Since reading that book, I've created a list of 25 things I want to do before I'm 25.

Currently I'm 22 and some of the things on my list are

Get my CPA, Get my MSA, tour a wine vineyard and taste the wines (check), get a puppy, learn italian, start a book club, start a dinner club with friends, go to a cooking class, subscribe to a newspaper, go skydiving, go through a toll and pay for the person behind me, write a living will. among others.

thanks for this great post!

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